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Information for stallholders & event attendees

Event name: Wimborne Craft Jamboree

Event date & time: Saturday 22nd February


Parking to load in: 

In our car park or in Allenview pay & display car park (adjacent)

You can load in from: 8am

Parking during the event: Allenview pay & display car park (adjacent)

Please do not park: In Allendale staff spaces (adjacent to building, signed); in our disabled parking bay unless you have an entitlement; in Allendale House car park (other side of the gates)

Event opens to the public: 10am

Event closes to the public: 4pm

Please clear all stock, equipment etc. by: 5pm

Café @ the Allendale will be open: 9am - 4pm

Event name: Allendale Spring Craft Fair

Event date & time: Saturday 5th April 


Parking to load in: 

In our car park or in Allenview pay & display car park (adjacent)

You can load in from: 8am

Parking during the event: Allenview pay & display car park (adjacent)

Please do not park: In Allendale staff spaces (adjacent to building, signed); in our disabled parking bay unless you have an entitlement; in Allendale House car park (other side of the gates)

Event opens to the public: 1oam

Event closes to the public: 4pm

​Please clear all stock, equipment etc. by: 5pm

Café @ the Allendale will be open: 9am - 4pm

Event name: Allendale Christmas Craft Fair

Event date & time: Saturday 22nd November


Parking to load in: 

In our car park or in Allenview pay & display car park (adjacent)

You can load in from: 8am

Parking during the event: Allenview pay & display car park (adjacent)

Please do not park: In Allendale staff spaces (adjacent to building, signed); in our disabled parking bay unless you have an entitlement; in Allendale House car park (other side of the gates)

Event opens to the public: 10am

Event closes to the public: 4pm

Please clear all stock, equipment etc. by: 5pm

Café @ the Allendale will be open: 9am - 4pm

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